Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I Confess... (Link-Up)

      Last night (at about 10 o'clock) I got a frantic text (okay... it wasn't that frantic) from my dear friend Samantha over at Life Is But a Stream of Thoughts.  She asked me to help her with co-hosting the weekly link-up "My Week of Confessions" that she started with Paige from The Sticky Note Addict.  I've done this a few times on my blog, and I'm very excited to get to do it again!  After reading my scandalous confessions, make sure to link-up your posts below!  I can't wait to read them :)

I Confess...

...that I love waking up for my 8:30 Journalism Class.

...that Quizlet is the best study-helper ever.

...that I loathe filling out applications; no matter the kind.

...that I'm still not over it.

...that last night was the first time I was live on my campus radio station.

...I confess that I am obsessed with Miley Cyrus' song, Wrecking Ball. (but not the music video)

...that I am super homesick and can't wait to go home this weekend for the first time since school started.

...that walking was one of the coolest things I've ever done.

...that I ended my radio show tonight with Barry Manilow.  Just for you, Grams.

...that I've let my blog go a little crazy these last few weeks, but I'm happy to say I'm back.

...that I should be studying for Spanish right now.

...that life has been busy recently but also truly amazing.

What are some of your confessions for this week?  Let me know in the comments or write an entire post and link it below :)


  1. Thanks for the confession about Quizlet! I decided to click on it and was thrilled with what I found! I'm in Anatomy and Physiology right now and quizlet will help immensely.

  2. Thank you for co-hosting with me! You did a great job! Much better than I did this week.
