Whenever I'm faced with anything, I immediately start to think of ways that it can go wrong. For example; attending a meeting on campus. If I don't have any friends to go with me; I get really apprehensive before attending. I tell myself that it would be best if I just didn't go. It's going to be awkward and uncomfortable because I won't know anyone. They'll think I'm weird and kick me out. The likelihood of any of this happening is quite low. Does that register in my mind though? Nope!
I have talked myself out of so many opportunities and chances just because I felt uncomfortable and at-a-loss. I had never realized how truly large this problem was until I came to college and had someone actually tell me about it. All it took was a third person point-of-view and I uncovered a problem that has been my demise for a long time.
Learning and admitting your problem is just one step. My next question is how to overcome it. How do I stop talking myself out of things, and start talking myself into things?! Thankfully, I've gotten a lot better at making the pessimist part of my mind shut-up, but I've still got a long way to go! How do you stop talking yourself out of things?
glad you are getting out more, the only thing that matters in life is perspective