Monday, August 12, 2013

How to Have Fun on a Weekend Family Vacation

            This last weekend, my family and I decided to ditch town for a little vacation.  Most families go somewhere far away from home for their trips, but my family drove two hours to stay in a hotel.  However, I can easily say it was one of the best vacations ever.  Why?  (*begin epic, deep announcer's voice) Well, let me teach you how to have fun on ANY weekend family vacation!

1// Don't Complain:  Seriously though, whining all the way there is not going to make your parents spontaneously pick a different destination.  You might as well enjoy it or you're not only going to ruin it for yourself, but also your family.

2// Take Very Random Pictures: YOU CAN NEVER TAKE TOO MANY PICTURES!  It's a fact.  Some of them may seem very worthless, but each picture holds a memory from the vacation which makes them priceless!

This was the first picture I took on my new Canon Powershot.
3// Don't Underestimate the Power of Food Entertainment: A lot of people may not believe that food is a form of entertainment, but guess what: It's the best!  I don't think I've ever been bored while eating.  And who would be with all the amazing restaurants we are blessed with?

AMAZING crab nachos from Joe's Crab Shack
Lobster with bacon-wrapped shrimp and scallops.
I-Hop Breakfast that consisted of Peaches and Cream Brioche French Toast.
We hit-up the Ribfest on the way back home!
4// Embarrass Another Family Member: Especially if you have a younger sibling, it seems like family members are the easiest people to embarrass.  My mom and I are two people who always know how to have a good time, and if that entails doing something not quite 'normal' then we don't hesitate.  My brother, on the other hand, would much rather hide when my mom and I are in rare form.

5// Enjoy the area you are in:  I've been to Omaha HUNDREDS of times, but we went to a lot of places this trip that I'd never even known existed.  One of these was a little pond/lake that was near the ConAgra Foods Offices.  It was really pretty and a great time-killer while we waited for supper-time.

This is actually a WWII Memorial that we had no idea even existed! 

          I hope this list has helped you for your next short, family vacation!  No matter WHERE you go, it's possible to have fun; especially when you're with your family!  I actually didn't take my Macbook on the trip, and (even though it sucked) the separation was needed to spend some real bonding-time with my family.  What are some of your favorite things to do on a family vacation?


  1. Just checked out your youtube. Very entertaining and left you a comment. :D Gonna check out the new music you suggested. :D hope you're doing well.

  2. Hey Lizzy. Thanks for stopping over. and thanks for the comment. Warms my heart when I get them. :D Hope you'll come back and add yourself to GFC. Not sure how you're following. I sometimes dont put my link up on fb b/c I always forget. I try to do it on twitter daily but I think it shows up automatically anyways. I also have blog lovin.

    not sure if you do but if you do shoot me the link please. Mine is....well at the moment bloglovin is showing an error. just my luck.

    here ya go. now i think this may work. let me know if it doesnt.

    and if not then try i couldnt get this one to work

    1. I have a button for my bloglovin' right below my intro picture on the right>>>. Or you could just go here:

      Thanks so much for the link on bloglovin'! That works the best for me to follow on :)

      xoxo, Lizzy

  3. It looks like you had such a fun weekend! And that food looks so amazing! YUM! My family is a huge fan of the pick on other family members technique.

    1. Haha! Yes! My brother hates being embarrassed, and my mom and I take full advantage of it! The picture was from IHop, and my brother wanted nothing to do with my mom :P

      xoxo, Lizzy

  4. Looks like you had a great time! I love vacationing with my family!

    Lorraine xx

    1. It was a lot of fun! Thanks for stopping by and commenting :D

      xoxo, Lizzy
